Thursday, September 15, 2011

Arrivals... There Goes the Neighborhood

          My travel to America was a new experience to the west! Like what we said in class, I felt a bit handicapped. It was new everything! New people, new places, new culture!  But I was never lonely even though when I walked alone. Now living in Chicago with a new family and new neighborhood, it feels weird. Back home but I have 2 maids and 1 driver. But here I have to do laundry and have chores to do. I have to take the bus or trains, not like in Kuwait just call the driver and the car would be ready!!

          I hope I will adapt to this America very soon J


  1. This is very interesting seeing the difference in your life back in Kuwait and here in Chicago. If you had the choice of living in Kuwait or Chicago, which one would you pick? I understand that you have your family there and your maids and driver, but what if you had them here in Chicago as well?

  2. well thats a very hard question philip!
    I would say i would love to study here in Chicago. But i also cannot leave my mother land "Kuwait". and plus that there are more muslims overthere.

  3. Wow, maids and drivers.??? I wish i had someone that could take me wherever i pleased. But more impotantly, i hope you enjoy your stay in Chicago, its a very interesting place to live in.!:) -Ane'
